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Their Name Is Today


Standard Edition
Condition: Good

Publisher's Synopsis There's hope for childhood. Despite a perfect storm of hostile forces that are robbing children of a healthy childhood courageous parents and teachers who know what's best for children are turning the tide. Johann Christoph Arnold whose books on education parenting and relationships have helped more than a million readers through life's challenges draws on the stories and voices of parents and educators on the ground and a wealth of personal experience. He surveys the drastic changes in the lives of children but also the groundswell of grassroots advocacy and action that he believes will lead to the triumph of common sense and time-tested wisdom. Arnold takes on technology standardized testing overstimulation academic pressure marketing to children over-diagnosis and much more calling on everyone who loves children to combat these threats to childhood and find creative ways to help children flourish. Every parent teacher and childcare provider has the power to make a difference by giving children time to play access to nature and personal attention and most of all by defending their right to remain children.


By Johann Christoph Arnold