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One Day A Lemming Will Fly The Third Book In The Cracker Series


Standard Edition
Condition: Good

Reckless, but clever, out of control but always a step ahead of his colleagues, Fitz is a true enigma, a walking contradiction. The police admire his skills, but not his lifestyle. Gambling, hard liquor, cigarettes and beautiful women - these are the vices of Dr. Edward Fitzgerald - an ingenious psychologist who freelances his services to the police. In his latest outing, Fitz's personal drama comes to a head when he's finally forced to choose between Judith and Jane. But Fitz's problems don't stop there. A young boy is found murdered, his body hanging from a tree. All signs finger his English teacher as the killer on what looks like an open-and-shut case. But when police call Fitz in to help obtain a confession, the truth proves as elusive as the killer himself.

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By Liz Holliday