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Maternal Instincts


Standard Edition
Condition: Very Good

When work colleague and single dad Sam Hackett is ordered on a business trip and needs someone to care for his 18-month old daughter while he's gone, Lauren Nugent (of MR ANGEL) sees the opportunity to discover whether she has what it takes to be a mother. Sam is leery of leaving his daughter with a woman he barely knows who reminds him far too much of his ex-wife -- the woman who couldn't wait to leave him and their newborn behind in her pursuit of a career. Lauren even has the same coloring and enticing build as his ex. When Lauren volunteers to babysit Sam is sure the result will be a disaster. So he hedges, promising their boss that if Lauren spends her weekend getting to know little Bonnie, he'll consider making the trip. If not -- well, it wasn't as though he'd wanted to go anyway. Since Bonnie's arrival he's been telecommuting from home and no other clients have complained. Of course, he hasn't had anyone to tempt him to remember there is more to life than being a parent until Lauren Nugent edges into his compact little world either. Sure that she should have her head examined for volunteering to take care of a toddler, Lauren soon finds that she's been thinking about the entire situation from the wrong angle. She's not the one in charge -- little Bonnie is. And the tiny girl has taken Lauren's measure in nothing flat, identifying her as a rival. Bonnie announces her intentions to join battle quickly, her war cry: "MY DADDY!"

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By Beth Henderson