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Just Don’t Make a Scene; Mum! first book Leehampton series


Standard Edition
Condition: Good

Parents - Aaaaargh!Jemma's are out of date. They still think she should wear the hand-knitted jumper with little bears on it to school - and they call her petal in public!Laura's are divorced. Gone is the lovely big house. Now it is a grotty little one. And her mum was seen kissing Melvyn outside Tesco . . .Sumitha's want her to keep their cultural traditions - which don't include boys, make-up or a trendy hair cut . . .Jon's keep bragging about his academic brilliance - but in reality it's not stellar, nor is it where his heart is . . .Chelsea's mum is a writer of ghastly features for the local paper, an agony aunt and a wearer of mini-skirts . . .The five teenagers' paths (and those of their mortifyingly embarrassing parents) cross and part throughout this hilarious book set in Leehampton.

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By Rosie Rushton