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Following the hugely popular 'An Angel Saved My Life' comes anothercollection of powerful true stories of communication with those in theAfterlife. Includes real-life amazing rescues mysterious dreamvisitations near death experiences and miraculous recoveries. In thefollow up to her first collection of stories entitled 'An Angel Saved MyLife' Jacky Newcomb is back with more incredible inspiring true lifedramas and what happens when those from the afterlife intervene in ourdarkest hour of need. The book includes: / Miraculous survival storieswhich defy explanation. / Amazing rescues -- mysterious strangers whoproved to be angels in disguise. / People who came back from the brinkof death -- what is it really like to die? / Remarkable medicalrecoveries -- spirit intervention to set the clock back on a person's'time to go'. / Dream visitations by spirits -- angels and spiritfriends entering or creating dreams to give important messages. / Thepsychic power of children and their interaction with angels. /Incredible psychic animals -- pets who came back from the dead toprotect their owners.