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A Collection. Volume 2 Fire With Fire; Capable Of Loving; Substitute Lover


Standard Edition
Condition: Good

Fire With Fire >> It Occurred to Him That He Could Use Her Emma had always played the role of dependable older sister so it was not surprising that after smashing up Drake Harwood's brand-new Ferrari Camilla unable to pay expected Emma to bail her out. But the shrewd and attractive entrepreneur saw a way of capitalizing on her predicament. He exacted a highly unusual and ver ypersonal payment that cost Emma her career as a London TV newscaster - to say nothing of her pride. Emma was prepared to fight fire with fire - never thinking that for her Drake Harwood was as lethal as dynamite! Capable of Feeling >> "I need a wife Sophy but not to share my To Sophy Marley who believed she was frigid it seemed the perfect arrangement. Jonathan Phillips her kind and understanding boss was offering Sophy a marriage of convenience. He needed someone to help care for his niece and nephew and Sophy already loved the children as if they were her own. Her feelings for Jon however were less clear. In sharing a roof together Sophy became increasingly aware of her husband and of her growing desire to make their marriage a real one in every sense. Substitute Lover >> Why should love involve deception? He needed a make-believe It was such a strange request Gray Chalmers asking Stephanie to pose as his lover to help him resist the attractions of a beautiful but married woman. Gray knew Stephanie knew she didn't even like being touched. Yet he insisted she come back to the village to play the part of the femme fatale. But Gray had never pried into thebitter marriage Stephanie had endured to his cousin. He'd offered only comfort in the ten years since its tragic ending. So while she hated the pretense she couldn't refuse.

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By Penny Jordan