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The Grey Widow-Maker


Standard Edition
Condition: Good

The sea has many moods, few of them benevolent. Storm-force winds, blinding fog and sharp-fanged reefs have through the ages created generation after generation of grieving widows. But man, ever dependent on the sea, must continue to challenge it.;Two centuries of maritime lore are spanned by this book, from a near-disastrous race across the Atlantic between the paddle-steamers Sirius and Great Western in 1838, to the Iranian attack on the Caribbean Breeze in 1985. It recounts famous disasters such as the sinking of the Titanic and Birkenhead; the loss of 132 lives on the car-ferry Princess Victoria, which foundered off Belfast in 1953; the storm-tossed trials of the first convict ships bound for Botany Bay, the thunder of the guns in two World Wars; and the senseless, avoidable tragedies during the "flag-of-convenience" era.


By Bernard Edwards