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The Hit List


Condition: Good

Former SAS sergeant Chris Ryan introduces us to a new hero Neil Slater in his fifth compelling thriller. SAS soldier Slater has left the Army and is forging a new life as a gamesmaster at a public school. When two Arab terrorist attempt to kidnap one of the pupils Slater intervenes with violent and personally damaging results. Dismissed from his job he is approached by an old friend and former SAS colleague who tries to recruit him into a shadowy government organisation. After a spell as a bodyguard Slater is eventually persuaded to join and finds himself sucked back into the world of undercover operations. At M16's riverside HQ Slater discovers that an acute political crisis has arisen. The SAS have captured Radovan Karadjic in Bosnia and the Serbian leader is to face trial for war-crimes at the Hague. But the trial is threatened by sensitive information held by RDB - the Serbian secret service. Slater and his colleagues are tasked to kill the arms salesman brokering the Karadjic deal and to recover the incriminating material. What sets out to be a straightforward hit however becomes a nightmare chase through Intelligence shadowlands. The bodycount rises and before long Slater is facing the most terrifying ordeal of his life. Who can he trust? And who finally is the real enemy? Packed with graphic imagery and operational details that can only come from first-hand experience The Hit List is Chris Ryan's most gripping thriller to date.

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By Chris Ryan