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Tomorrow Jerusalem


Standard Edition
Condition: Good

He wants to build Jerusalem. In Englands green and pleasant land. You know, like in the hymn -? Oh - not today, perhaps. But tomorrow. Or at the very latest the day after... London, 1906. A country deeply divided, deeply resentful, deeply restless - some fear a country on the brink of revolution. A land of prosperity stalked by poverty, a land proud of its freedoms where most feel themselves chained and powerless. A land in which a greater part of the population is allowed no say in their own governance or future; a land that turns a blind eye to the scandal of child labour, the total lack of support or health care for the poor. This is the England where Doctor Ben Patten intends to build his Jerusalem, intends to substitute hope and opportunity for poverty and despair, health and education for disease and ignorance. His sister Hannah shares his ideals but sees the fight for the vote as the best solution: whilst Sally Smith, living a hand-to-mouth existence in Londons teeming docklands, is too busy keeping body and soul together to have time or energy for the problems of others: until through an act of foolhardy courage she finds herself reluctantly involved with the eccentric Patten family, their tangled relationships and their crusade. And, to oppose them, not just an Establishment of power, wealth and unshakeable self-belief, but the rising, uncontrollable tide of events that will culminate in a war that, despite all hope and conviction will not end all wars but will decimate and scar a generation....

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By Teresa Crane